IDON Tokenomics

IDON's tokenomics are structured to support a sustainable and equitable ecosystem by balancing token distribution among various stakeholders, incentivizing individual participation, and ensuring the long-term development of the network.

Total Token Supply

  • 1 Billion IDON Tokens: Ensures a manageable number of tokens that can facilitate widespread distribution without diluting value.


  • 20% Community and Staking Incentives: Allocated to reward users who stake their tokens and participate in network activities, reinforcing network security and engagement.

  • 15% Development and Future Reserves: Reserved for ongoing development, research, and unforeseen future needs, ensuring the adaptability and longevity of the IDON network.

  • 60% Liquidity Pool: Aimed at providing ample liquidity in various decentralized exchanges to facilitate easy and accessible trading of IDON tokens.

  • 5% Airdrops and Bounties: Used to grow the community and reward contributors and participants in various promotional activities.

Staking Rewards

  • Progressive Staking Returns: Designed to reward smaller stakers with a higher percentage return to promote more democratic participation and prevent dominance by large holders. This system helps maintain decentralization and incentivizes a wide user base.

  • Annual Yield: The yield is variable, starting at an estimated 100% for the smallest stakes. This high initial yield is designed to attract early adopters and smaller investors, decreasing proportionally as the stake size increases to prevent the overly rapid accumulation of power by wealthier participants.

Token Utility

IDON tokens are integral to various functions within the network:

  • Governance: Token holders can participate in governance decisions, influencing the direction and policies of the network through a decentralized voting system.

  • Transaction Fees: Transactions on the network require IDON tokens, which helps to regulate network activity and prevent spam.

  • Staking: Users can stake their tokens to secure the network, participate in governance, and earn staking rewards.

  • Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Applications: IDON tokens can be used in various DeFi applications built on the IDON network, such as lending platforms, yield farming, and liquidity mining.

  • Reward Mechanisms: Tokens are used to incentivize desirable behaviors within the network, such as maintaining nodes, creating content, or participating in community events.

Last updated